Thursday, 23 June 2011

The Door is Open

Every week we open similar doors: the house door, car door and office door. Then every Sunday, we open another important door, the church door.
Let us do something different this September. Besides opening the usual doors, let us open a new door: the doors at STM!

We are glad to announce that the camp registration is now open! 
Click here:

There is limited space at STM. So hurry up, sign up now before it's too late!:)

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Views: Thank you Lord, for Ibrahim Ali

by Jamie Khoo

I used to have a youth pastor who preached “If you’re not being tempted daily- that means you have succumbed to temptation”. In other words, if life is too easy-going for you, you might want to check your bearings. Indeed, the Christian walk was always termed the ‘narrow path’. It was never meant to be easy.

The same can be said for the Christian church today when faced with someone like Ibrahim Ali. He is our confirmation that we are walking the right, and very narrow path.

I think he is a blessing to the 10% Christians in Malaysia. Never mind the fact that we are a relatively silent minority in Malaysia, Ibrahim Ali has confidently given us credit for wanting to take over Islam!

It is absurd that a parliament member would even feel threatened by 10% of the population. Logically speaking, even if all 10% voted for the opposition or independent candidates, that can’t even win you 2/3rd majority in the parliament; much less amend the status quo of Islam’s position.

If that is the case, then there can be only one reason behind Ibrahim Ali’s Christian-mania movement; it indicates we are going in the right direction. We are a shining beacon for Christ in Malaysia.

However, our agenda was never to make Christianity the ‘official’ religion. This is a delusional goal which would not be practical.

Indeed, we are just doing what a church would do in dark times such as this: to restore righteousness & justice in this land.

I do also praise God for the desirable side-effects Ibrahim Ali has brought about. The Christian body today is more aware of what happens outside the church walls. Recall Einstein’s third law of motion action-reaction; it is the same exact reason why our churches are suddenly pushing a whole new nationalistic agenda. When they push us, we simply push back with a force greater than 10% of the nation; because of a supernatural force that moves with us.

When our churches are being burnt down, we stand strong praying for the nation. We hold the higher moral grounds because we are Christ-like. And through that, we shine. The nation now looks at us and cannot help staring in awe of such a group who have been abused and still are willing to undergo peaceful means of amendments.

Ibrahim Ali has merely amplified the church’s light in Malaysia.

And in all this, Christians in Malaysia might be asking themselves: is this what I signed up for? Perhaps it is time to move out from this nation.

My answer to that would be: Why leave when it is showing signs of progress? Hence, I thank God for Ibrahim Ali.


Jamie Khoo is a Malaysian Christian who believes Christians should not be a light in the church, but a light to the world. He believes too many Christians have a 'calling' to be in first-world countries, and questions where are those who were called to shine in Malaysia or other less-developed nations.

Disclaimer: This is a personal view of the writer. iBridge Malaysia does not endorse the view unless specified.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Weather Forecast Today

CLOUDY for the rest of the week.

Cloudy..... cloudy............... when all you see are shadows of uncertainties all around...

It is written:

...just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
~ Colossians 2:6-7

Taken at Jalan University, P.J.

Can you see the rainbow? :)
Even on a cloudy day, a rainbow can appear.

*Coming up in the View column: "Thank you Lord, for ________________."
(Guess what the writer thanked God for.) 

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The Editor's Speech

by Tan Ten Rose

Are you expecting to see a video of our editor giving a speech? If yes, you should know by now that our Author-cum-Editor is none other than the Lord himself!
Indeed it is a privilege to be writing this on His behalf and also the camp committee.

We trust that you did not bump into this blog by accident. We are simply a bunch of people who are happy to be  busy preparing and organising this camp just for you! You might feel weird but it is true. We absolutely love to welcome you to iBridge Camp 2011, dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let’s talk about our camp theme this year, “Uncertain Times, Unchanging Passion, Unwavering Conviction”. We can sense that you are having a tongue twisted moment reading the theme.

As insignificant as the theme sounds, that may be exactly what you feel right now. Whether you are a fresh graduate, an employee or a budding entrepreneur, we do have the vision to do greater things for the Lord. However, the path to find out God’s will in our lives is uncertain at times.

Every day most of us have a habit of checking the daily news. At a glance at the headlines of a hardcopy of mainstream newspaper, we may hear people sighing. Some may get angry and start criticizing.

The world news is often interesting with a combination of good and bad news. Oh, we love to see people’s face lighten up reading the coverage on the royal wedding!

It is funny to see how people’s facial expressions change when they read news from the first page to the last. The news by itself reflects only two things: Changes and Uncertainties. And it affects all of us in our belief and thinking.

How can we cope in such a time as this? How can we develop the passion to be the salt and light of the world? Will we be courageous enough to defend false accusations to Christianity? Do we have a deep and unwavering conviction that Christ is the centre of our lives?

Till we see you face to face at iBridge Camp 2011, have an enjoyable time scrolling our newspaper inspired camp blog.

May God bless you.

                                                *Coming soon: The Weather Report