Dear drivers, as you drive along the North-South Expressway (PLUS) to get to STM, you are advised to take the exit at Senawang, Exit 220.
Click the links below for more info:
The map to STM:
We will see you very soon! :)
Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. ~ Colossians 2:6-7
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Monday, 12 September 2011
Uncertain Times, Unchanging Passion, Unwavering Conviction
In a few days time,
You know which day,
We will be going to somewhere pretty faraway:
Whether you are drop dead tired,
Life is far from what you wanted,
The famous four walls, you are there but so what?
Your world has gone through a few rounds of "tsunami",
The beds of roses are not as rosy,
The reality becomes very much like dramatic movies,
You asked,
And ask again,
There seems more questions than answers,
You smile each day just like everyone else,
Where the skeletons in the closets are;
Is where everyone hide them so well,
We are imperfect human, born in a sinful world,
How funny, majority expects perfection,
Oh, how are we going to be God's children and truly human?
iBridge Camp, there's where you wanna be,
Having retreat in God's sanctuary,
Captain's ball, the iBridge way,
Forget about iBride, it's a real company in Canada anyway,
Fellowship, "Fei-lo"ship, We remind you not to abandon God's "ship",
Peace, He gives us,
Special messages, He imparts to us,
Blessings await us,
Uncertain times, as if it's a curse,
Fear not,
Unchanging Passion, Unwavering Conviction,
You know which day,
We will be going to somewhere pretty faraway:
Whether you are drop dead tired,
Life is far from what you wanted,
The famous four walls, you are there but so what?
Your world has gone through a few rounds of "tsunami",
The beds of roses are not as rosy,
The reality becomes very much like dramatic movies,
You asked,
And ask again,
There seems more questions than answers,
You smile each day just like everyone else,
Where the skeletons in the closets are;
Is where everyone hide them so well,
We are imperfect human, born in a sinful world,
How funny, majority expects perfection,
Oh, how are we going to be God's children and truly human?
iBridge Camp, there's where you wanna be,
Having retreat in God's sanctuary,
Captain's ball, the iBridge way,
Forget about iBride, it's a real company in Canada anyway,
Fellowship, "Fei-lo"ship, We remind you not to abandon God's "ship",
Peace, He gives us,
Special messages, He imparts to us,
Blessings await us,
Uncertain times, as if it's a curse,
Fear not,
Unchanging Passion, Unwavering Conviction,
This long weekend,
His Promises Revive in Your Heart Again!
His Promises Revive in Your Heart Again!
Friday, 9 September 2011
Tips for Camp
*Prepare your heart before you come*
1. For your own heart.
That God would prepare it for what He has for you to receive.
3. God's protection throughout camp
4. Good weather
5. For every detail that God desires at iBridge Camp 2011
* Some suggestions of things to bring:
1. Bible
2. Stationeries eg pen, notebook etc
3. Clothes (enough for 4 days. Bring extra, just in case you need them)
4. Toiletries
5. Medicines (for personal consumption)
6. Towel
7. Camera
8. Comfortable shoes eg sneakers, sandals etc
9. Mosquito repellent
10. Money
11. Mobile phone charger
12. Snacks
13. Your little assignment (the BGR questions)
14. Anything you deem necessary
1. For your own heart.
That God would prepare it for what He has for you to receive.
(Proverbs 4:23, Mark 4, especially vs. 8 and 20, Matthew 5:8)
2. Journey mercies3. God's protection throughout camp
4. Good weather
5. For every detail that God desires at iBridge Camp 2011
* Some suggestions of things to bring:
1. Bible
2. Stationeries eg pen, notebook etc
3. Clothes (enough for 4 days. Bring extra, just in case you need them)
4. Toiletries
5. Medicines (for personal consumption)
6. Towel
7. Camera
8. Comfortable shoes eg sneakers, sandals etc
9. Mosquito repellent
10. Money
11. Mobile phone charger
12. Snacks
13. Your little assignment (the BGR questions)
14. Anything you deem necessary
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Camp registration extended!
We receive feedback recently from some of you who have been facing difficulties in making the final decision on attending the camp due to numerous reasons. No worries, we have good news for you! The camp committee has agreed to extend the registration to 12th September 2011.
This means you have about a week's time to decide and sign up for camp!!
To register, click here:
To those who have signed up, we would like to say a big thank you to you!
Apart from that, pardon us for being so excited, we really have a little assignment for you! :)
As you may aware that we will have a session on a hot topic that is "Relationships", we encourage you to jot down any relationship questions that you would like to ask our speakers during the session.
For example:
1. How do I know whether it is God's will for me and my girlfriend/boyfriend to
get married?
2. Should I pray for a life partner?
3. Is it wrong to date a non-Christian?
4. How do you let a guy know that you like him?
5. How to reject a guy/girl?
Trust us, no BGR questions are deemed as silly questions. So just feel free to write down any questions that pop up in your mind on a piece of paper now.
This means you have about a week's time to decide and sign up for camp!!
To register, click here:
To those who have signed up, we would like to say a big thank you to you!
Apart from that, pardon us for being so excited, we really have a little assignment for you! :)
As you may aware that we will have a session on a hot topic that is "Relationships", we encourage you to jot down any relationship questions that you would like to ask our speakers during the session.
For example:
1. How do I know whether it is God's will for me and my girlfriend/boyfriend to
get married?
2. Should I pray for a life partner?
3. Is it wrong to date a non-Christian?
4. How do you let a guy know that you like him?
5. How to reject a guy/girl?
Trust us, no BGR questions are deemed as silly questions. So just feel free to write down any questions that pop up in your mind on a piece of paper now.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
2 Weeks!
Wow, time flies! It's September now. Can you believe it?
We are so excited! We will be seeing you in 2 weeks time!!
Are YOU excited too?
We can't wait to post up more updates on transport arrangements and other stuffs as we countdown together to the actual day!
Till then, here's an article to keep you occupied. :)
Perspective viewed from my own backyard
by Lee Thean Seng
6 years ago…….
Thean Seng is currently contributing to the statistics by lowering the average age for the community in Ipoh. Despite many of his friends being caught up in the rat race, he is working in the food industry and enjoying his semi retiree life back here. Currently attending FGA Ipoh, he finds fulfilment helping in the worship ministry and the youth events.
We are so excited! We will be seeing you in 2 weeks time!!
Are YOU excited too?
We can't wait to post up more updates on transport arrangements and other stuffs as we countdown together to the actual day!
Till then, here's an article to keep you occupied. :)
Perspective viewed from my own backyard
by Lee Thean Seng
6 years ago…….
Most people think that all UPM grads are professional farmers as they associate this institution with PERTANIAN (agriculture). I was lamenting on why most of my friends obtained scholarship (FMS inclusive) or study loans to study abroad and I’m stuck here to study something which I have not much interest in it. Furthermore, to be a Chinese who doesn’t speak Mandarin, I got a total culture shock after being labeled as a “banana”.
2 years ago….
I was stepping out of Universiti Putra Malaysia to enter a different phase in life. I started my first job in my own hometown, Ipoh as an Executive in a food factory. Many of my friends were shocked how I could survive in such a place whereby the salary is low and job opportunity for career advancement seems so scarce. Again I lamented, why I am stuck here again whereby all my friends are living a happening life in the cities. Not too long ago….
Fast forward to the present situation, I realized that I would’ve missed out so much if I went on a different education path. In fact, I thank God for placing me in UPM where I met so many great Christian friends which have made me a more mature Christian. My involvement in the varsity Christian Fellowship has opened my eyes that so much need to be done to reach out to many out there who have yet to know Christ. Besides that, a public university is like an appetizer of Malaysia society in reality, allowing me to meet people from all walks of lives from different religious and cultural background The same can be said with my job now. Although the salary range in Ipoh is relatively lower than big cities, I am thankful that I have more time for God, family and friends. Furthermore, I felt that God has intentions for me to settle down in Ipoh. God opened my eyes to see there is a big missing generation aging from 25-35 year old in churches in Ipoh. In other words, there are fewer and fewer young Christian working adults to make an impact in their small hometown. Well, I might miss out the chance to live a happening city life or broadening my horizons abroad in a 4 season country but I’m glad I discovered the purpose that God has for my life. Gain some, lose some. After all, as the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."
Now and not too long later…
With the recent uproar in the political arena in our country, many of us are aiming to try for greener pastures in other countries. Many are left discouraged with where our nation is heading to. I have discovered my calling, that is to stay in my country, my own city particularly, to stand in the gap in prayer and being a responsible citizen. Needless to elaborate, it’s the sick that needs the doctor, not the healthy. I hope my sharing have inspired you to know your calling in life and live your life for His glory.-
Thean Seng is currently contributing to the statistics by lowering the average age for the community in Ipoh. Despite many of his friends being caught up in the rat race, he is working in the food industry and enjoying his semi retiree life back here. Currently attending FGA Ipoh, he finds fulfilment helping in the worship ministry and the youth events.
Monday, 22 August 2011
One Camp caters ALL
We know almost everyone likes buffet. It is when we have a big variety of food on display that we get to choose what we want to eat and drink.
Workshop 5 – Discernment
iBridge Camp programmes are designed specially to cater to different needs and interests like a buffet menu.
Some of you are more interested to come to learn. Some are thinking of having a break away from the city.
There may be people who want to meet more new friends. No matter what reason it is, you are most welcomed to iBridge Camp =)
Here are some highlights of the camp!
Workshops + Speakers
Workshop 1 – Transition to work
by Tak Ming
- Meaning of Work
- How to make an impact and marketplace outreach
- Common struggles faced by fresh graduates and how to overcome it
- Sabbath
Workshop 2 – Social Relief work
by Steve
- What is CREST?
Workshops + Speakers
Workshop 1 – Transition to work
by Tak Ming
- Meaning of Work
- How to make an impact and marketplace outreach
- Common struggles faced by fresh graduates and how to overcome it
- Sabbath
Workshop 2 – Social Relief work
by Steve
- What is CREST?
- Why social relief work is important?
- How graduates can get involve/response?
Workshop 3 – Biblical Financial Management
by Erik Lai
- Biblical perspective on financial management - Professional advise on purchasing car, house, investment, saving, generous giving for mission, retirement, etc
- Trusting-God-to-Provide vs Financial security
- Biblical perspective on financial management - Professional advise on purchasing car, house, investment, saving, generous giving for mission, retirement, etc
- Trusting-God-to-Provide vs Financial security
Workshop 4 – National Issues
by Keat Peng
- Sharing on current and yet to come national issues - How to make right judgement/discernment based on exploded media information that we read
- Awareness of basic constitution right
- How should Christian respond to Bersih and future rallies.
Workshop 5 – Discernment
by Dr Choon Khing
- What is discernment?- How to practise discernment?
- Practical discernment (Choosing job, ministries, finding life partner, response to certain opinions etc)
Workshop 6 - Talent migration
Workshop 6 - Talent migration
by Seng Gee
- What is migration? - What is the deciding point to migrate or not to migrate?
- How should I respond to my friends who want to migrate?
Workshop 7 – Relationship
by 2 Pre-Marital Counseling Couples
Workshop 8 – Science and Faith (God)
by Dr Living LeeSaturday, 20 August 2011
Speakers' Profiles
It's our pleasure to have the following speakers with us this year:
Dr Lee is Professor in the Department of Geology, University of Malaya, specializing in palaeontology or the study of fossils. Dr Lee holds a B.Sc.(Hons) and M.Sc. in Geology from University of Malaya and a Ph.D. from University of Liverpool. He is a past president of the Graduates' Christian Fellowship and Vice Chairman of the Fellowship of Evangelical Students of Malaysia and of the Research Commision of the National Evangelical Fellowship. He is Chairman Elder of the Peoples Park Baptist Church, Petaling Jaya.
Tak Ming is currently Director of HR and Admin with Gamuda Bhd, a regional civil engineering and infra-structure group responsible for, inter-alia the SMART Tunnel, Sg Selangor Dam, Electrified Double-tracking Project from Ipoh- Padang Besar and the Klang Vallley MRT.
He has an MBA -HRD (1st in order of merit) from the University of Hull, England. His first degree BSc Ed (Hons) is from the University of Malaya, Malaysia’s premier university
He has more than 26 yrs work experience with 16 yrs in Corporate HR (HRM, HRD and OD) and more than 5 years in HR consulting.
He worships in Agape Chapel, Kota Damansara, a Brethren Assembly and was part of its original church planting team.
He’s married to Christina and they have 1 daughter, Stephanie.
He’s very passionate about training, people development and justice and truth for the Malaysian society.
Steve joined the disaster relief scene with CREST in 2004, in the wake of the Tsunami. He currently heads the Operations and Training function, and leads teams into disaster zones which has taken him to many disasters in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Philippines and Myanmar and lately the tsunami in Japan. He also heads the training arm of CREST and his field experience provides hands-on insight into the training modules. He has conducted numerous training sessions with churches both in East and West Malaysia and internationally, in Philippines, China, Egypt and Uganda. He worships at FGA KL and is married to Cynthia George.
Seng Gee is the Executive Director and founding partner of Professional & Organisation Development Sdn Bhd (a Human Resource Consultancy Firm). He holds a MBA in Finance & Investment from the Australian Graduate School of Management. He is currently an adviser to the Graduate Christian Fellowship (GCF) of Malaysia, Chairman of the Local Church Executive Committee of Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church where he worships and a member of the Discipline Review Council of the Methodist Church of Malaysia.He is married to Eng Bee and they have 3 grown children, Yew Weng (25 years), Yen Ling (24 years) and Yen Li (22 years).
Erik Lai is currently the General Manager of Glad Sounds, a leading Christian bookstore in Malaysia. He has been in full time Christian ministry for 16 years.
Erik is now the national director for Crown Financial Ministries which is based in Atlanta, USA. Crown Financial Ministries®, founded in 1976, is an interdenominational ministry dedicated to equipping people around the world to learn, apply, and teach biblical financial principles. Its vision is: To see the followers of Christ in every nation faithfully living by God’s financial principles in every area of their lives.
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Dr Living Lee |
Mr Lai Tak Meng |
He has an MBA -HRD (1st in order of merit) from the University of Hull, England. His first degree BSc Ed (Hons) is from the University of Malaya, Malaysia’s premier university
He has more than 26 yrs work experience with 16 yrs in Corporate HR (HRM, HRD and OD) and more than 5 years in HR consulting.
He worships in Agape Chapel, Kota Damansara, a Brethren Assembly and was part of its original church planting team.
He’s married to Christina and they have 1 daughter, Stephanie.
He’s very passionate about training, people development and justice and truth for the Malaysian society.
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Mr Goh Keat Peng |
Keat Peng has been blessed with opportunities to minister to churches in and out of the country, school and university students, poor communities in East Timor, and Malaysian politicians across the parliamentary divide.
Through the Christian Federation of Malaysia and the Malaysian Consultative council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism, he has also been engaged in efforts to encourage Christian unity and also the resolution of religious conflicts through genuine dialogue and to safeguard the status of religious freedom in Malaysia.
Believing that there must be a Christian voice in Malaysia, he has set up a personal blog at as well as a web portal at where his perspectives and reflections on issues of national importance are regularly published. At present he is creating awareness of the role of Christians as a witness of the biblical message to neighbour and nation.
Through the Christian Federation of Malaysia and the Malaysian Consultative council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism, he has also been engaged in efforts to encourage Christian unity and also the resolution of religious conflicts through genuine dialogue and to safeguard the status of religious freedom in Malaysia.
Believing that there must be a Christian voice in Malaysia, he has set up a personal blog at as well as a web portal at where his perspectives and reflections on issues of national importance are regularly published. At present he is creating awareness of the role of Christians as a witness of the biblical message to neighbour and nation.
Dr Voon Choon Khing |
Life has been an adventure with God for Choon Khing ever since her conversion from traditional Chinese beliefs in 1966. God’s primary call on her as God’s beloved has found varying expressions as a trained nurse & midwife (UK), Christian ministry among overseas students & nurses (UK), Christian social work with mentally ill women (Malaysia), and theological education as librarian (1986-2001), counselor and lecturer with Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (full time 1992-2008; part-time 2009-). Her academic training includes MA in Library & Information Studies (London Uni, UK), Master in Theology (Duke Uni, USA) and DMin in Spiritual Direction (Graduate Theological Foundation, USA). Married to Dr Chow Heap Yeong, gynaecologist & obstetrician in 2004.
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Mr Steve |
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Mr Cheong Seng Gee |
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Mr Erik Lai |
He is married to his wonderful wife, Julia and they have 3 God-loving children, Sarah (28), Jonathan (25), and Ian (18 years old); and a son-in-law, David Lim.
Friday, 12 August 2011
The Door is Closing Soon!
Have you registered yourself for camp?
Just a gentle reminder that the closing date for registration is 31st August 2011
So, what are you waiting for? :)
Friday, 5 August 2011
Isn't that a familiar phrase that our seniors told us when we first started work?
Being a young adult in the working world comes with a new set of challenges.
When we were still students, it was easy to see the path that we would be going. After graduating from university or college, the transition to be in the workforce can be quite daunting. The uncertainties that loom in. The process of adapting to a new environment. The responsibilities that come with adulthood. Trust us, this process doesn't stop there.
After working for a few years, you might find yourself at the crossroads again. It's like going back to the days when you once faced the fresh graduates' dilemma. The only difference this time is you carry more skills and work experiences with you. You also have more things and commitments to care about: family, relationships, finance, church involvement etc.
We face transitions at different points of our lives. That is a fact we constantly remind ourselves to face it whether we like it or not. The process is indeed challenging and uncomfortable. It can be exhausting. Somehow we need to move on in order to move forward. Sigh... We understand you.
Let's take a break from all these worries! Come join us for camp and be refreshed again!
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Travel: Cuti-cuti Seremban
by Lee Thean Seng
Seremban, the capital of Negeri Sembilan was originally founded as Sungai Ujong, It was named after a nearby river of the same name. While the town was renamed Seremban thereafter. The town is also referred to as "Fu Yong" (Chinese: 芙蓉) among the Cantonese speaking community, although the name is unrecognised officially.
Seremban, the capital of Negeri Sembilan was originally founded as Sungai Ujong, It was named after a nearby river of the same name. While the town was renamed Seremban thereafter. The town is also referred to as "Fu Yong" (Chinese: 芙蓉) among the Cantonese speaking community, although the name is unrecognised officially.
When the little town of Seremban is mentioned, the first thing that crosses the mind is the word "Siew Pau". The Seremban Siew Pau is a baked crispy bun with char-siew (BBQ pork) fillings. The Siew Pau craze has spread all across the Peninsular and pork free versions of Chicken Siew Pau has been introduced in the recent years.
However, many come to an agreement that the authentic ones in Seremban still reigns supreme. These are two example of the famous bakeries which takes pride in their famous Siew Pau.
The best Siew Paus should have a flaky and crispy bun (many said that lard is incorporated to get the flaky pastry) and have a contrasting moist, savoury filling of juicy tender meat, onions and peas. Nevertheless, it is a universal truth that a Siew Pau is best eaten fresh, especially hot from the oven.
A Siew Pau will cost around RM1.20 to RM1.50. Besides Siew Pau, these bakeries also produces good confectionery snacks like egg tarts, kaya puffs, Ham Dam Sou (salted egg puffs) and pineapple rolls but you will definitely never go wrong with the Siew Pau. =)
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Science (Part 2): Why you should come to iBridge Camp 2011
Before Camp
= Picture B
= The colour of your mind because of worries, complaints and
Picture B
During iBridge Camp
Picture C
Picture C
= Activities at iBridge Camp
= Spirtual food/Message from God/Talks/Workshops/Prayers
= Good fellowship/Food/Fun games/Singspiration/Rest

After iBridge Camp:
Picture D
Picture D
= Look at the colour of your mind. Your mind is refreshed with
special messages from God!
Picture A
Picture A
= The result of a constant desire and effort to grow, build and
strengthen our relationship with the Lord.
= The peaceful state of mind when God is the centre of our life
Before Camp
= Picture B
= The colour of your mind because of worries, complaints and
Picture B
During iBridge Camp
Picture C
Picture C
= Activities at iBridge Camp
= Spirtual food/Message from God/Talks/Workshops/Prayers
= Good fellowship/Food/Fun games/Singspiration/Rest

After iBridge Camp:
Picture D
Picture D
= Look at the colour of your mind. Your mind is refreshed with
special messages from God!
Picture A
Picture A
= The result of a constant desire and effort to grow, build and
strengthen our relationship with the Lord.
= The peaceful state of mind when God is the centre of our life
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Before iBridge Camp |
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After iBridge Camp |
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Science: Why you should come to iBridge Camp 2011
Let's try out this experiment. The results will tell you the reason. Have fun!
The things that you need can be easily found in your kitchen:
1. A bottle of soya sauce (you can substitute it with coffee powder)
2. A drinking glass or a transparent glass vase
3. A 1000 ml water bottle
4. Big plastic container
The instructions are broken into 2 parts: Part 1 and Part 2.
Instructions for Part 1:
1. First of all, fill the glass vase with water. Then take the picture of the vase. Let's label the picture as A.
Picture A
2. Secondly, think of things that trouble you and cause you to worry.
For each thought of trouble or worry, drop one drop of soya sauce into the vase. There's no limit to this, you can drop more.
eg. Worry #1: I still haven't found a job yet. Almost all my friends started working already. When is my turn?
Drop one drop of soya sauce into the vase.
Worry #2: My boss is going to kill me for my careless mistake!
Drop another drop of soya sauce.
3. Thirdly, think of things that you grumble and complaint about today or recently. Just think of as many complaints as you can.
eg. Why must I be stuck in a jam at Federal Highway every day?
Drop one drop of soya sauce.
eg. Oh no, please don't increase the petrol price again!
Drop another drop of soya sauce. You can drop more if you want to. There's no limit to it.
4. Use a spoon to stir the water. After that, take a picture of the glass vase.
We shall label this picture as B.
Picture B
Part 2:
1. Place a container below the vase. Take a water bottle and fill it up with tap water. Take the picture and label it as C. Pour it into the vase. Observe what you see and jot it down. eg. The colour changes from dark brown to yellow.
Picture C
2. Refill your water bottle and pour it into the vase like step 1. Jot down the colour of the water.
3. Repeat step 2. Then, take picture of the vase and label it as D.
Picture D
1. List down your observations of the colour changes.
2. Compile all the pictures:
Picture A
Picture B
Picture C
Picture D
The Results and Conclusion will be released next week. Stay tuned...
The things that you need can be easily found in your kitchen:
1. A bottle of soya sauce (you can substitute it with coffee powder)
2. A drinking glass or a transparent glass vase
3. A 1000 ml water bottle
4. Big plastic container
The instructions are broken into 2 parts: Part 1 and Part 2.
Instructions for Part 1:
1. First of all, fill the glass vase with water. Then take the picture of the vase. Let's label the picture as A.
Picture A
2. Secondly, think of things that trouble you and cause you to worry.
For each thought of trouble or worry, drop one drop of soya sauce into the vase. There's no limit to this, you can drop more.
eg. Worry #1: I still haven't found a job yet. Almost all my friends started working already. When is my turn?
Drop one drop of soya sauce into the vase.
Worry #2: My boss is going to kill me for my careless mistake!
Drop another drop of soya sauce.
3. Thirdly, think of things that you grumble and complaint about today or recently. Just think of as many complaints as you can.
eg. Why must I be stuck in a jam at Federal Highway every day?
Drop one drop of soya sauce.
eg. Oh no, please don't increase the petrol price again!
Drop another drop of soya sauce. You can drop more if you want to. There's no limit to it.
4. Use a spoon to stir the water. After that, take a picture of the glass vase.
We shall label this picture as B.
Picture B
Part 2:
1. Place a container below the vase. Take a water bottle and fill it up with tap water. Take the picture and label it as C. Pour it into the vase. Observe what you see and jot it down. eg. The colour changes from dark brown to yellow.
Picture C
2. Refill your water bottle and pour it into the vase like step 1. Jot down the colour of the water.
3. Repeat step 2. Then, take picture of the vase and label it as D.
Picture D
1. List down your observations of the colour changes.
2. Compile all the pictures:
Picture A
Picture B
Picture C
Picture D
The Results and Conclusion will be released next week. Stay tuned...
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